Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Why Valentine's Day doesn't make me vomit...

As a woman who struggles with being completely satisfied in Christ alone, I must confess something that has occurred lately... There has been a trend of people reminding me of how awesome my future husband is going to be and how excited they are for that day to come. I know these comments are kind, well meaning, and true... BUT it can be tempting to look forward instead of being satisfied with where my feet are currently placed. We often become so fixated on life's "next best" step that we forget to enjoy the now. We have conformed to a culture of constant motion that has caused us to overlook resting in God alone. God challenged me a couple weeks ago to climb a tree (I love climbing trees) on the middle of campus and to sit completely still- clearing my mind of everything... Even stopping the urge to fill the awkward silence with prayer. He was challenging me to let His presence be my satisfaction. All of me wanted to take pictures of how the tree branches wove through the sky, or how the sun made the bark glow, but God's request was loud and clear- be still. I probably only lasted about five minutes before I started moving around again. What I keep realizing is that when it comes to our hearts, we often neglect absorbing the stillness. It feels awkward and out of place and is much easier to find something or someone to pursue. We have forgotten to tend to our hearts in such a way that causes us to be relentless pursuers of God instead of a Godly relationship. There is definitely beauty in a Godly relationship but I have found in my own struggle that often times even the pursuit of a godly relationship (not even the act of being in one) becomes more of a focus and even obsession than the pursuit of God Himself.

"You keep him in perfect peace
    whose mind is stayed on you,
    because he trusts in you." - Isaiah 26:3

This past Valentine's day was probably the greatest Valentine's day I have ever experienced! Yes, it is possible for a single woman to enjoy Valentine's day and not let it be a barf-fest, a “forever alone” wallowing day, or "singles awareness day"... The purpose of Valentine's day is to celebrate love and affection. I have learned that love is a choice. That even on our worst days we have to decide whether or not we are going to grab a hold of God's love and let Him be our source. On Valentine's day I chose to grab a hold of God's love and asked that he would draw me closer to Him singing Steffany Frizzell's “Closer” lyrics, “Pull me a little closer, take me a little deeper, I wanna know your heart, I wanna know your heart. Cause your love is so much sweeter than anything I've tasted, I wanna know your heart, I wanna know your heart.” The entire day felt so special as I basked in the love of Christ and celebrated the fact that he allows us to share in loving one another. Whether it be through the stars in the night sky, or the words in a movie script, God's love was breaking into my heart again. By the end of the day I was a basket case, completely overwhelmed by the depth of love God shares with us and how often we overlook it. 

Valentine's day will always hold a special place in my heart because of Him who created love and loved me first! He fills my awkward silences, takes me on adventures, asks me to make a fool of myself, makes me laugh uncontrollably, and desires to be my one and only. While loving God through the journeys, joys, stillness, struggles, and sacrifices, I am learning that, “there's no place I would rather be than here in your love” (Will Reagan, Set A Fire). Be still, my friends, soak up every bit of where He has placed your feet currently and let HIM be your pursuit!