Monday, March 17, 2014


So I deleted my prior post on holiness. It is not that what I posted was wrong but I felt like my intentions of posting were, and that is just as bad (if not worse). At the time I posted I really felt like it was the right thing and that I should not shy away from speaking truth. But even though I spoke about the importance of surrender and intimacy with Christ, it felt like the least vulnerable post I have ever written. So here is my revision...

The past year has actually been a year of revisions, a year of letting God break and mold... repeatedly! What He has shown me over and over again is that His presence is something to be sought after! No matter what I am feeling or going through, it is so important for me to open up and let Him work in my mess. Instead of waiting to feel Him, He longs for me to seek Him. He hides himself within these beautiful moments of surrender and with each part of me that I let go, He fills and manifests Himself- not only that- He reveals more of my identity! He has made me a songwriter, a voice of truth, and I have learned to love Him so hard! I have never felt so alive! Though I face times of great brokenness, insecurity, confusion, and sheer chaos, I have never laughed so hard, smiled so wide, and felt so well in my soul! 

So here is where we get vulnerable.... (I am cringing while posting because I do not want to share haha). Where is God working on my heart currently? Where has the surrender begun? I would say a combination of things but one of them being trust... Trusting God is actually something I have improved tremendously on, but trusting people is a whole other story. God has been widening my heart, showing me that actually failing to trust the people he has placed in my life is actually failing to trust Him. And though I act like I have this tremendous trust for God, there is much fear from various wounds of betrayal that have accumulated over time and wedged between. So God is waking up the sleeping foot once again, and showing me that He has not made me to hide in Him, sheltered from the risks of the world... But rather, He wants to manifest Himself in me, put me on display, and show me a life of fullness... He has made me to shine.