Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Why do you fear? I am in everything.

I am still trying to soak in all I experienced last week. One of the words I was given was, "Why do you fear? I am in EVERYTHING." It is amazing how just a speck of fear can keep us from our true callings and witnessing the fullness of His glory. Colossians 1:17 says, "He goes before all things and in Him all things hold together." Why do we ever doubt when He is with us, all around us and in our midst?! I think it is because we get so focused on our hurt or weakness that we forget about HIS sovereignty and power. 

Coming back, I realized how fear kept me from walking in the FULLNESS of who God called me to be. I had held tightly to so many wounds that I began giving up on prayer, forgiveness, and confrontation. Even though He had created me to be a voice of truth, I stopped speaking. I became so frustrated that I lost my joy and started letting hurt dictate my attitude. It was "my right" to be upset and hurt. I became so accustomed to letting fear rule me that I didn't even notice that I had let satan disarm me of my power and potential. 

I realize that freedom is found in reckless abandonment. The more I empty myself of my own rights and fears, I actually find freedom and joy in my true identity. With this revelation, satan's attacks now seem like ants beneath my feet instead of the mountains they once felt like. Satan will no longer have the upper hand. No matter what it takes, what sacrifices I have to make, what offenses I may cause, what relationships I may lose, I will no longer stand by silently as the enemy steals, kills, and destroys. I will pray in FULL faith and expectancy, I will forgive REPEATEDLY, and I will SPEAK when God asks. It is my JOY to fight for the kingdom no matter the cost!!

When we start to live in full-out faith, we begin to gain the Father's heart and see Him in everything. We find a freedom sweeter than what words could ever hold. Our heart breaks instead of grows bitter. We begin to see the gold in others instead of their mistakes. We start to do the unthinkable and witness God's miracles. We become living, breathing vessels of His healing, forgiveness, and LIFE. 

Thank you, Jesus for gracing me with your truth. Thank you for restoring my faith and identity and allowing me to be your voice. May my faith be FULL and propelled by a holy excitement. May my trust truly have no borders or limits! May my eyes behold the truth of your constant presence! It's time to shine!! 

"Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything." James 1:2-4

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