Thursday, December 19, 2013

a message of hope (with a lowercase "h")

I guess it is only appropriate to begin my first blog post by introducing myself. My name is Hope Wentz (with a capital H). For the past 8 or so months, I have faced a season of spiritual refinement. Many cycles of brokenness and restoration have led me to incredible encounters with the Lord as well as trials. I do not plan for this refining to finish any time soon and pray that it remains continual throughout my lifetime. This blog will reflect my journey through my mountains and valleys in life, and the hope of Christ that has proved faithful throughout.

A Message of hope (with a lowercase "h")
On November 10th, I was plagued by thoughts of anxiety, hurt, and stress. Finals week was approaching, family members were hurting, and I felt like every time I was able to get my head about the water, another rip current swept me beneath the waves once again. I felt the Lord tugging at my heart throughout the day but chose to ignore his affections. I clung tightly to my own worries instead of exchanging them for His peace. He kept whispering, "hope remains." God did not speak of my name, Hope, but expressed HIS hope- the hope unseen, an anchor for our soul, the one that does not disappoint. I continued to ignore His voice. While driving home, a glorious sunset illuminated the sky. This magnificence seemed too glorious to belong to this world. Clouds layered the sky with dark purple, bright orange, and pink colors. The colors actually became richer as the sun faded. Clearer than ever, He whispered, "hope remains." This message of a painted sky pleaded for me to refocus on the kingdom. The hope of God's promises would surely sustain me. I continued home. I knew I needed to spend time with my Abba Father but felt helpless on where to start. I began to pray and felt led to open a book I had not read in a couple of months titled, "As Silver Refined" by Kay Arthur. I flipped pages and finally came to the chapter I left off at titled, "A Message of Hope". "Wow God! So you really do speak to us? I can really hear you?" The chapter highlighted a verse I had come across the previous day from Lamentations 3:21-24,

"Yet this I call to mind and therefore I have hope: Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. I say to myself, 'The Lord is my portion; therefore I will wait for him.' " 

Just as refreshing as a sunset on a stressful day, were the Lord's affections for me. They drew me out of myself and into a mind set on above again. Taking me from a place of gripped fists and self consumption to one of arms high, heart bowed, knees bent, and peace restored. I share these glimpses into my life not to share about Hope Wentz (with a capital H), but to point to the hope of Christ- my portion, my peace, and my assurance. 

Prayer: God, I claim you as my peace, my portion, and my hope! I choose to let go of my own worries and accept the hope of glory you have literally shone over my life. Thank you for assuring me even when I choose to believe for satan's lies. I love you Lord!

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