Sunday, June 15, 2014


I am writing this as I sit at the kitchen counter staring at the angel food cake. It is 10:38pm and way past the hour that I am supposed to eat. This summer I have had many vocal issues due to stomach problems and allergies. Being a singer, this can be especially frustrating. I have to be intentional about every bit of food I let into my body and avoid eating late at night. For someone who loves food, this is a struggle. I have failed so many times just because the hunger pangs are much louder than the reality of my consequences. I quickly forget that my decision could cause me to go hoarse for days with just a slip up of self control in my eating habits. Isn't it true for us spiritually? The cost of giving into our flesh can have such deep effects but when we are in the moment of temptation, it is so easy to give in. God is teaching me that there is power in discipline and self-control. It is so clear and easy to understand but hard to apply: eat bad food or eat late at night and lose your ability to sing with ease. Yet time and time again I am tested and fail miserably! I put myself through so much misery just because I choose to let the flesh rule my decisions! BUT when I choose to say no to my cravings, I am able to sing freely and worship freely!! When we say no to our flesh's cravings and yes to our Spiritual health, we are given tremendous power, freedom, and ability. We are able to accomplish great things through the Spirit that could never be attained while bound to the flesh. Yes, of course God can use me in other ways without my voice... But my voice was given to me for a reason and purpose... What sorrow it would be to not experience my purpose because of my disregard to apply the truth.  It is up to us to decide how much reign we will give the Holy Spirit in our lives. Are we going to live in freedom, purity, and joy, with authority over the flesh and knowledge that we are fulfilling our true purpose? Or will we remain wayward, confused, and crippled by the flesh? Spirit move in me and strengthen my spirit. Give me discipline to apply your truth. Help me to burn off the things of my flesh and teach me to crave YOU instead!

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