Monday, November 24, 2014

Fear Not

God has been working on my heart for months now on the issue of fear. I felt led to share what He spoke a few weeks back. “You need to start trusting and believing that in your weakness, I MOVE. You have this false idea which will wreck your confidence in the Holy Spirit, that if things go wrong that it was not of me. Do not bow to doubt. You need to be a weak worshiper. We can have a big, rocking, worship service, but I would rather have your whole heart. You have to start TREASURING imperfection and seeing me in it.” 

Overcoming fear hinges on so many different factors. One of them is learning to fear the Lord; Learning to have an extreme awe and veneration towards Him that causes our worldly fears to bow. We have got to learn to let go, relax, and abandon our fears if we are going to possess the promise set before us. Did you know the phrase “Fear not” is mentioned 331 times in the bible? This seems to be a pretty common struggle that has lasted for ages. When we learn to convince our whole self that HE is our shield and HE is our reward, our fears begin to fall away. But the enemy will keep trying to poison our hope with fear. If he cannot get us to fear in one area, he will try for another. 

Lately, mine has been my worship leading. I guess it is easier for me to trust in God’s promise because I fully know that there is no way it can unfold without God’s anointing… I easily doubt myself and my own abilities because I am aware that I am flawed and weak… but where I go wrong is in forgetting that GOD is strong in our weakness… so much so that I deny the anointing He has placed on my life and decide that there is no way He can move when I mess up. That’s definitely putting God in a box: 1) by denying His power 2) by denying His grace. The enemy was not able to get me to operate in fear when it comes to some big future decisions in my life, so he gave up on that and went for my worship leading, which is directly related to the promise! I have had so many times in the last few weeks where I have felt a huge weight of doubt after a worship set… God speaks to me every time but I still deny His words and wrestle with doubt. 

While studying fear, I realized many times before saying, “Fear not,” the Lord often speaks, “Shalom” or “Peace be to you.” Safety, wellness, joy, welfare, rest, and wholeness be unto you. He is telling us not to fear because He has our best interest in mind. It is in fearing HIM and having faith that we learn His safety, wellness, joy, welfare, rest, and wholeness. PERFECT love casts OUT all fear. So if we are fearing something, that is an indication that we are not letting God’s love be perfected in us in some area. As we learn to fear Him (to be in awe, or revere), our earthly fears fall, and we learn His peace and perfect love.

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope. (Romans 15:13 ESV)

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